Hey baby. Welcome back to your little directory!
I added some things to the site, as you can see. Notable, some shows I watched when I was smaller or that my sisters liked when they were little. Crashbox was one of the shows from my childhood that I adored, and would wake up at 9AM to see. It was a show that took place within a computer with various brainteaser segments. It ended in 2000 but I was able to catch reruns for a few years. It might be why I like robots as much as I do.
- Yami Kawaii icon maker
- Lolita maker (Google translated into English)
- Vix's Icon Maker
- I'm watching you sleep (google translated into English)
- Blonde blue eyes maker (Google translated to English)
- flufe maker
- Full Bluey Seasons 1 and 2
- Magic School Bus
- Miss Spider - All Episodes (3 Seasons)
- Whisker Haven Tales
- Little Twin Stars - Full Episodes (subbed)
- Polly Pocket Channel
- Crash Box Show (some episodes AI upscaled)
Stickers :)